All notices for the weekly Crimson Calendar must be placed in the notice box in the Crimson Office on Fridays before 5 o'clock, marked "For the Crimson Calendar."
Sunday, June 14.
11.00.--**Service in Appleton Chapel by the Rev. Professor Francis G. Peabody.
4.00.--**Baccaluareate Service in Appleton Chapel; address to the Senior Class by President Lowell.
5.00-6.30.--Reception by President and Mrs. Lowell to the Seniors at their home, 17 Quincy street.
5.30.--Service in Appleton Chapel for the class of 1889, conducted by members of the class.
Monday, June 15.
Examinations for admission to Harvard College and the Dental School commence on this date and close on June 20.
Applications for tickets for the Union Spread and Dance close.
Candidates for degrees return all books borrowed from the Library.
9.15.--Meeting of Faculty of Law in Faculty Room, Langdell Hall.
10.00.--Business meeting of Phi Beta Kappa in Harvard Hall.
11.30.--Procession will start for Sanders Theatre. The parade will be formed by classes, the oldest leading.
11.45.--Announcement of prizes by the President of the University in Sanders Theatre.
12.00.--Phi Beta Kappa oration by Hon. William Howard Taft; poem by Bliss Carman.
2.00.--Phi Beta Kappa dinner in the Harvard Union.
2.00.--1902-1905 Interclass Field Day at Oakley Country Club.
4.30.--Meeting of Faculty of Divinity in University 5.
5.00.--Forty-third annual banquet of the Harvard Dental Alumni Association with social gathering and business meeting, at Young's Hotel, Boston.
5.15.--Meeting of Faculty of Graduate Schools of Applied Science in University 5.
8.00.--Senior spread and dance in Memorial Hall.
8.00.--Meeting of Faculty of Arts and Sciences in University 5.
Tuesday, June 16.
9.00.--Service for the Senior class in Appleton Chapel, conducted by Professor George Herbert Palmer '64.
11.00.--Sanders Theatre; oration by Alexander Louis Jackson, of Englewood, N. J.; poem by Charles Pelham Curtis, Jr., of Boston; ode by Pitman Benjamin Potter, of Long Branch, N. J.
2.00.--College Yard closed to all but ticket-holders.
2.00.--Harvard-Yale baseball game at New Haven.
4.00.--Exercises in the Stadium; ivy oration by James Ripley Osgood Perkins, of West Newton.
6.00-8.00 P. M.--Phi Beta Kappa Spread.
8.00-11.00.--Dancing in the Gymnasium and Memorial Hall.
9.00.--Singing by the Glee Club on the front steps of the Widener Library.
Wednesday, June 17.
11.00.--Meeting of President and Fellows of Harvard College in University 5.
11.30.--Annual meeting of the Harvard Law School Association, in Langdell Hall.
11.30.--Radcliffe Commencement exercises in Sanders Theatre; address by Hon. Augustus E. Willson.
12.30.--Divinity Alumni luncheon at Divinity Hall.
12.30.--Harvard Law School Association luncheon in the Harvard Union.
2.00.--The second Harvard-Yale baseball game on Soldiers Field.
7.00.--Annual meeting of Association of Harvard Engineers in the Harvard Union.
Thursday, June 18.
Summer Vacation, from Commencement Day to September 27 inclusive.
9.30.--Meeting of Board of Overseers in University 5.
10.00 A. M.-4.00 P. M.--Election of Overseers and Directors of the Harvard Alumni Association in Harvard Hall.
10.00. -- Assembly of the Governing Boards, the Faculties, Alumni, and guests at Harvard Hall.
10.15.--Procession to Sanders Theatre.
10.30.--The Commencement exercises in Sanders Theatre.
12.00-1.30 P. M.--Buffet luncheon in University Hall open to the guests of the University.
12.30.--Luncheon and annual meeting of the Lawrence Scientific Association in University 16.
12.30.--Annual meeting of the Medical School Alumni Association in Harvard 5.
1.15.--Medical Alumni spread in 49 and 50 Thayer Hall.
12.30-1.30.--Chief Marshal's luncheon in the Harvard Union.
1.30.--Assembly of the alumni and guests at Harvard Hall.
1.45.--Procession to the meeting of the Alumni Association in Sever Quadrangle.
Friday, June 19.
Northfield Conference begins.
7.31 A. M.--Special train of Boston Harvard Club leaves South Station for New London.
10.40.--Second University eight-oar rows Yale seconds at New London.
11.15.--Freshman crew rows Yale freshmen at New London.
11.50. A. M.--Special train leaves South Station for New London.
4.40.--University crew races Yale at New London.
Saturday, June 20.
2.30. -- The third Harvard-Yale baseball game (in case of tie) at Fenway Park, Boston.
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