


Placing men in eleven out of thirteen events and finishing not lower than fourth in all but one of these, Cornell's splendidly balanced team had no trouble in winning the thirty-ninth annual track and field games of the I. C. A. A. A. A. held in the Stadium Saturday afternoon. With this victory Cornell won the fifth leg on the cup which was put up in 1904 and accordingly has gained permanent possession of it. Cornell scored the unusually high total of 43 points, Pennsylvania, due to her all-round strength finished second with 31 points, Michigan's sprinters brought the Westerners into a close third with 29 1-2 points. The other scores were as follows: Dartmouth 23, Yale 22, California 18, Harvard 11, Princeton 7 1-2, Columbia 5, Brown 2, Penn State 2, Johns Hopkins 1.

Better weather for the games could not have been desired, and, as a result, the competition in every event was the keenest that has been seen for years. In no race or field event was the victory one sided. Two records were broken and several others dangerously threatened. Cornell maintained its reputation for sterling distance men by winning the half, mile, and two-mile runs, setting new records in the former and latter races. Caldwell proved to be the "dark horse" in the 880-yard run, beating both Brown of Yale and Meredith of Pennsylvania in 1 minute, 53 2-5 seconds, clipping 2-5 of a second from J. P. Jones's record made two years ago. Hoffmire continued to upset calculations when he defeated McCurdy of Pennsylvania in the two-mile run, covering the distance in 9 minutes, 23 4-5 seconds, 3-5 of a second better than the mark of P. R. Withington '12.

California and Dartmouth furnished the other surprises. If Stanton of California had not pulled a tendon in the semi-finals of the 100-yard dash, he would have scored heavily in both dashes and would probably have brought California's total above that of Dartmouth and Yale. Dartmouth, through Braun, who earned nine points in the two hurdle races, Whitney who finished second in the shot-put, Buck who landed in a tripple tie for first in the pole-vault, and Nordell who took the broad jump, finished fourth in the ranking.

Harvard's 11 points were won by four men. Captain W. A. Barron, Jr., '14 secured second in the quarter-mile after a fight with Meredith of Pennsylvania, while W. J. Bingham '16 finished fifth. F. W. Capper '15 added two points in the record-breaking half, and J. Camp '15 made four more by tieing with two others in the pole-vault at 12 feet, 3 inches.

The summary:



First semi-final heat.--Won by O. A. Reller, Cornell; J. E. Bond, Michigan, second: E. F. Stanton, California, third, Time,--10s.

Second semi-final heat.--Won by H. H. Seward, Michigan; H. H. Ingersoll, Cornell, second; H. L. Smith, Michigan, third, Time, 10s.

Final heat.--Won by J. E. Bond, Mich- igan; O. A. Reller, Cornell, second; H. H. Seward, Michigan, third; H. H. Ingersoll, Cornell, fourth; H. L. Smith, Michigan, fifth. Time, 10s.


First semi-final heat.--Won by J. E. Lockwood, Penn.; H. H. Seward, Michigan, second; A. F. Van Winkle, Cornell, third. Time, 23s.

Second semi-final heat.--Won by J. E. Bond, Michigan; H. L. Smith, Michigan, second; E. Jones, Georgetown, third. Time, 22 3-5s.

Final heat.--Won by H. H. Seward, Michigan; H. L. Smith, Michigan, second; J. E. Lockwood, Penn., third; J. E. Bond, Michigan, and A. F. Van Winkie, Cornell, tied for fourth. Time, 22s.


Won by J. E. Meredith, Penn.; W. A. Barron, Jr., Harvard, second; P. Jansen, Michigan, third; V. Wilkie, Yale, fourth; W. J. Bingham, Harvard, fifth. Time, 48 2-5s.


Won by D. S. Caldwell, Cornell; G. E. Brown, Yale, second; J. E. Moredith, Penn., third; F. W. Capper, Harvard fourth; M. S. Hayes, Princeton, fifth. Time, 1m., 53 2-5s. (New intercollegiate record).


Won by C. L. Speiden, Cornell; L. C. Madeira, Penn., second; J. D. McKenzie, Princeton, third; R. W. Pouncher, Yale, fourth; F. R. Maroeau, Dartmouth, fifth. Time, 4m., 20 1-5s.


Won by J. S. Hoffmire, Cornell; W. M. McCurdy, Penn., second; D. F. Potter, Cornell, third; A. B. Coop, Brown, fourth; F. C. Lee Johns Hopkins, fifth. Time, 9m., 23 4-5s. (New intercollegiate record).


First semi-final heat.--Won by B. W. Brodt, Cornell; G. A. Braun, Dartmouth, second; R. B. Ferguson, U. of P., third W. M. Shedden, Jr., Yale, fourth. Time, 15 2-5s.

Second semi-final heat.--Won by E. P. Hammitt, Penn State; T. L. Preble, California, second; H. E. Millard, Cornell, third; L. E. Pickard, Colgate, fourth. Time, 15 4-5s.

Heat for third and fourth men.--Won by R. B. Ferguson, Penn. Time, 16s.

Final heat.--Won by G. A. Braun, Dartmouth; T. L. Preble, California, second; B. W. Brodt, Cornell, third; E. P. Hammitt, Penn State, fourth; R. B. Ferguson, Penn., fifth. Time, 15 3-5s.


First semi-final heat.--Won by A. M. Shelton, Cornell; W. M. Shedden, Jr., Yale, second; H. St.J. Smith, Harvard, third; W. S. Mason, Princeton, Fourth. Time, 25 1-5s.

Second semi-final heat.--Won by G. A. Braun, Dartmouth; R. B. Ferguson, Penn., second; F. S. Allen, Harvard third; F. H. Starr, Cornell, fourth. Time, 25 2-5s.

Heat for third and fourth men--Won by W. S. Mason, Princeton. Time, 27 1-5s.

Final heat.--Won by R. B. Forguson. Penn.; G. A. Braun, Dartmouth, second; A. M. Shelton, Cornell, third; W. M. Shedden, Jr., Yale, fourth; W. S. Mason, Princeton, fifth. Time, 25 1-5s.


Won by R. L. Beatty, Columbia, distance, 48 ft., 4 in.; L. A. Whitney, Dartmouth second, distance, 48, ft. 1-2. in.; H. Harbison, Yale, third, distance, 45 ft., 6 1-8 in.; M. Dorizas, Penn., fourth, distance, 44 ft., 6 3-8 in.; A. W. Kohler, Michigan, fifth, distance, 44 ft., 3 1-8 in.


First place tie between W. M. Ohler, Yale, and L. A. Nichols, California, at 6 ft., 2 in.; third place--tie between W. M. Davey, Princeton, and H. Morrison, Cornell, at 6 ft., 1 in.; F. L. Maker, California, fifth, height 6 ft.


First place tie between A. L. Milton, Cornell; C. E. Buck, Dartmouth, and J. B. Camp, Harvard, at 12 ft., 3 in.; fourth place tie between L. Carter, Yale and L. A. Nichols, California, at 12 ft.


Won by P. G. Nordell, Dartmouth, distance 22 ft., 8 1-2 in.; B. W. Brodt, Cornell, second, distance, 22 ft., 4 7-8 in.; O. T. Bradway, California third, distance, 22 ft., 3 3-4 in.; A. W. La Flamme, Penn., fourth, distance, 21 ft., 6 1-8 in.; J. H. Ferris, Michigan, fifth, distance, 21 ft., 4 in.


Won by A. W. Kohler, Michigan, distance, 157 ft., 1 1-2 in.; H. H. Coolidge, California, second, distance, 154 ft., 4 1-2 in.; P. Loughridge, Yale third, distance, 154 ft., 1 in.; D. P. Murphy, Penn., fourth, distance, 152 ft., 6 in.; K. C. McKutcheon, Cornell, fifth, distance, 151 ft., 10 1-2 in
