

For its well-deserved victory in the Intercollegiate Track Meet Saturday, the CRIMSON extends its heartiest congratulations to Cornell. Without attracting to it many preparatory school star athletes, this University has developed a team of sufficient all-round strength to win the biggest meet in the country by a decisive score.

Harvard fell from second to seventh place in the scoring. While the year in track has been on the whole unsuccessful, the future of track is not a dark one by any means. What Cornell has done in developing raw material into record breaking runners, can be done in Cambridge as well as in Ithaca. The University team can be made a contender in the next intercollegiate by hard work and a general awakening of interest in track as a sport. Most men have the makings of track athletes in one of the many branches of the sport. But even the best latent sprinters and embryo shot-putters will remain in oblivion if they do not come out for track earnestly. Cornell's victory is an object lesson in the value of training and the possibilities of raw material which the University may well emulate; in fact, we must do so if any success in track is to be hoped for.
