

Lower Classmen and Graduates as Well as Seniors May Now Apply.

The two special applications for Class Day tickets, open only to Seniors, may be made May 16 and 30, but other undergraduates and alumni may make application now for not more than five of each kind of the following tickets: Stadium $1.50 each. Memorial Hall $1 each, Yard 35 cents each. The latest date for receiving such applications will be 5 P. M. on Saturday, June 6. Application blanks for tickets may be obtained in the Union Leavitt & Peirce's, the Co-operative, and at the office of the Harvard Alumni Association, 50 State street, Boston. A Yard ticket will admit to the Yard only. Memorial tickets will admit to Memorial and to the Gymnasium in the evening, but not to the Yard.

All communications should be addressed to the Class Day Committee, Holworthy 16.
