

Account of Spring's Work Just Issued Shows Great Amount of Work Completed by Body.

The report of the secretary and subsidiary committees of the Student Council just given shows the great amount of work which has been accomplished in the last two and one-half months. The report in detail follows:

To the Student Council of Harvard College:

I have the honor to submit the following report of the activities of your Executive Committee from March 3, to the present date, May 21, 1914.

One of the most important things done was further recommendations regarding the oral examinations. President Lowell agreed to the suggestion of requiring an additional half-course, not to count for the degree, in the respective language, before a man is put on probation for failure in the examination. This is to come in the second half of Sophomore year and probation will be the penalty at the beginning of Junior year, as now. The purpose of this plan is to have some preparation step leading up to probation.

Reorganization of Register.


A new constitution for the combined "Harvard Musical Clubs Association" as drawn up by the officers of the individual organizations was discussed in detail and presented to the whole Council in revised form. The Council voted that it be approved and put into effect at once.

A constitution for the management of the "Register" directly by the Council was drawn up by H. A. Murray '15, providing for a regular succession of appointed officers, who in turn will run the competitions for the competitive offices. The "Register" has thus been put on a permanent basis, which will insure its existence in the future.

Several minor matters have been taken up. Seven managership were approved, according to the rule passed last year. Saturday, May 9, was appointed "Straw Hat Day." the same relative date as last year, but very few straw hats appeared. The question of athletes writing signed articles for the newspapers was discussed, put to a vote of the whole Council, and according to their recommendation, the Athletic Committee voted that men can write signed articles for the papers only with the permission of the Chairman of the Athletic Committee and the Chairman of the Graduate Advisory Committee of the respective sport. The question of lengthening the Christmas recess and shifting the Easter recess to the first week in April was recommended to the Faculty, but no definite action has been taken as yet. At the request of Mr. Brandegee, the following committee was appointed to confer with him about Senior advisers: R. R. Ayres '15, W. H. Trumbull, Jr., '15, W. J. Bingham '16.

The most important matter was the appointment of a committee to investigate and make recommendations as to the best method of arousing public opinion against probation. On April 29, the Executive Committee discussed the question at length with one of the graduates and drew up resolutions, which were unanimously approved at the last full meeting of the Council, including the appointment of the above mentioned committee, which was made up as follows: Mr. E. D. Brandegee, Mr. J. W. Farley, W. A. Barron, Jr., G. F. Plimpton, C. E. Brickley, W. H. Trumbull, Jr. The specific recommendations of this committee were printed in yesterday's CRIMSON.

In accordance with the Constitution, the following Nominating Committee has been appointed for 1914-15: W. H. Trumbull, Jr., '15, Chairman: W. H. Claftin, Jr '15, Secretary-Treasurer; R. R. Ayers '15, J. C. Talbot '15, W. J. Bingham '16; D. P. Morgan, Jr., '16, O. G. Kirkpatrick '17. Respectfully submitted,   G. F. PLIMPTON '14. Secretary.

Reports of Subsidiary Committees

The following reports are made by the Subsidiary Committees:

The Committee on Scholarship has proceeded with the recommendations made in the last report, and has made definite progress. The matters are still in the hands of the University authorities for final ratifications, so no detailed report is possible.

The Committee on Publications has found nothing to do since the last report, except that the Chairman is writing to the various college newspapers requesting their co-operation in preventing their candidates from writing at random to individual prominent men in different colleges asking for information or statistics on some subject, thereby hoping to pick up some "possibly valuable story" for which they will receive credit. The suggestion from this committee is to have an officer of the paper write for such articles as are desired, in which case they will receive prompt and thorough attention, which is not likely to happen if very indefinite requests for information are received from numerous unknown persons.

Visiting Teams Entertained

The Committees on Reception of Visiting Teams has continued its effective work along the lines outlined in the last report. Members of visiting teams and crews have been taken care of, as well as possible and the work has been comparatively successful, considering the inexperience of the committee.

The Committee on Organizations has done the usual routine work in connection with the date-book. The new book of the Federation of Territorial Clubs, entitled "Harvard of Today," has been issued recently and has filled a great demand for something of the sort, which has been prevalent for a long time. R. T. Twitchell '16, has been added to the committee, and J. J. Storrow, Jr., '15, has been appointed Chairman for 1914-15.

The Committee on Dramatics has done a valuable piece of work in making out a list of dates for all the undergraduate performances next year, thus avoiding conflicts. The heads of the various organizations giving productions have agreed to abide by this schedule.

The Committee on Athletics has managed the Leiter Cup series this spring, and has run off this schedule of games without confusion, which is not always possible.
