

Sixteen Colleges Compete In Preliminary Rounds at Stadium.--Maine and Dartmouth Strong.

The preliminaries of the New England Intercollegiate track meet commence in the Stadium this afternoon at 2.30 o'clock. The program today will include the qualification round in all of the field events and also heats in the two hurdle races, the 100 and 220-yard dashes, and the 440 and 880-yard runs. The finals in all events will be held on Soldiers Field tomorrow afternoon.

Tickets for both days are on sale at Leavitt & Peirce's and at Wright & Ditson's. All seats today are unreserved and cost 50 cents. Tomorrow, in addition to the 50-cent general admission, seats in sections 21 to 26 of the Stadium will be reserved at $1 each.

Of the 16 colleges represented, Dartmouth has the most promising entry list. Maine, headed by Rice in the sprints has several remarkable athletes, and is expected to rank high in the scoring. Other strong teams in the meet are Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Brown University, Williams, Amherst, and Wesleyan.
