

Five Juniors Lead in Elocution Contest.--T. C. Bookhout '15 and L. de J. Harvard '15 First.

First prizes in the Boylston elocution contest were awarded to Tallman C. Bookhout '15, of Roxbury, N. Y., and Lionel de Jersey Harvard '15, of London, England, as a result of the final round in Sanders Theatre last evening. Each speaker was given a prize of $30. The selections read by the winners were respectively, "Intervention With Cuba," by John M. Thurston, and "The Highwayman," by Alfred Noyes.

Three second prizes of $20 each were granted to Edward Warren Giblin '15, of Concord; Norman Wiley Loud '15, of Colorado Springs, Colo.; and Benjamin Woronoff '15, of Boston. The subjects of the three speeches were, "What is the French Revolution," by Lamartine; "The Old South and the New," by Henry W. Grady; and the "Speech of Paul Clifford," by Bulwer-Lytton.

The feature of the contest was the failure of the 1914 competitors to equal the work of the five victorious Juniors. The five speakers retained for the final test who failed to win were: H. Cohn '15, E. A. Roberts '14, E. Russell '14, H. L. Sharmat '15, and L. Wade 2d, '14.
