

(We invite all men in the University to submit communications on subjects of timely interest, but assume no responsibility for sentiments expressed under this head.)

To the Editors of the CRIMSON:

May I use your columns to call attention to a little bit of a book just out called "Who's Who and Who Isn't" by Charles T. Ryder '067 Ryder was probably the best poet at Harvard eight or nine years ago, and was the first to get the Garrison prize. This little book, in which he sixes up in funny poems the geniuses of the time, alphabetically arranged, is extremely clever, cheerful and full of delicate wit. The illustrations, made by the same author are most grotesquely amusing. Here is a literary trifle that will appeal to undergraduates and graduates alike; and one that in comparison with the rhymed nonsense we get at Christmas, will seem really good and refreshingly new. RUDOLPH ALTROCCHI '08.
