Announcement has been made of the complete program for this year's Northfield Conferences and summer schools. The call for the gatherings is signed by William R. Moody, whose father, Dwight L. Moody, the evangelist, established the conferences 32 years ago, three years after he had founded Northfield Seminary. There are really six conferences open to all conducted upon "the Northfield platform" which Mr. Moody defines with much emphasis in his invitation to the public.
The dates for student and general conferences and the lists of speakers and teachers are as follows:
Student conference, June 19 to 28 inclusive: John R. Mott, leader; Robert E. Speer, Professor T. Richard Glover, of Great Britain, E. T. Colton, C. D. Hurrey, the Rev. Henry Sloane Coffin, G. C. White.
At the general conference of Christian workers from August 1 to 16 William R. Moody will preside; music will be under the direction of George C. Stebbins and Nelson P. Coffin; the speakers will be the Rev. F. B. Meyer '08, the Rev. Charles Brown, of London, the Rev. John A. Hutton, of Glascow, the Rev. A. T. Robertson, the Rev. W. MacKenzie, the Rev. Joseph Kyle, the Rev. John R. Davies, Professor J. Hope Moulton, of Manchester, England; Melvin Trotter, the Rev. R. F. Y. Pierce, the Rev. John Thomas, the Rev. Charles Inglis, the Rev. J. S. Holden, all of London.
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