

Oxford-Cambridge Dinner May Begin Permanent Union in America.

About sixty Cambridge and Oxford University men residing in New England will dine at the Hotel Somerset, this evening at 7.30 o'clock. More than twenty of the number will be Harvard students and professors who have been Rhodes Scholars. Ambassador Cecil Spring-Rice, chairman of the committee, in charge, who was invited to Preside at the dinner, cannot be present, and Professor Peterson, of McGill University, Montreal, will be in the chair in his stead. Among the guests will be Professors C. P. Parker, B. A. Oxford '75, and C. H. C. Wright '91, B. A. Oxford '95; Hon. Bertrand Russell, B. A. Cambridge '93; assistant professors J. L. Coolidge '95, B. S. C. Oxford '97; and B. B. Merriman '96, Litt. B. Oxford '99.

There will be informal speaking and a discussion of a plan to organize a regular society to hold annual meetings for men who have at any time been connected with Oxford or Cambridge, and that now live either in this country or Canada. The interests and vocations of students of the two universites are closely connected and such an organization should be welcomed at the .
