
Only Dual Concert This Spring

Tickets for the dual concert by the Musical Clubs of Harvard and Dartmouth, to take place in Jordan Hall, Boston, next Friday evening, are now on sale for $1.50, and $1.00. They may be obtained at Jordan Hall, Herrick's Hotel Touraine, the Co-operative, or from F. Graves '15, Dana 34.

This will be the only dual concert given by either of the Musical Clubs in Boston this spring. The singing in particular promises to be of unusually high standard, for the two Glee Clubs will render the same selections which will be used in the Intercollegiate Glee Club Meet in New York the following evening.

Two Clubs in Winchester Tonight.

The University Glee and Mandolin Clubs will give a concert in the Winchester High School this evening at 8 o'clock. Forty men will make the trip, leaving the Square at 7.10 o'clock on a special car.
