This afternoon at 2 o'clock the Funny Fellows from Bow street will cross clubs on the second Varsity diamond with nine of the hardest thinkers in Phi Beta Kappa. Last year, Lampy had an off season, with a total percentage of zero games won; but today the Morse men will put on the diamond as active an aggregation as ever wielded the willow. The scholars, knowing they will need all A's to win, are keyed up for the occasion. The Lampoon's special battery, three speeds reversible and left-hand control, will start with Wentworth on the mound and Herter at the receiving end. Wentworth, who has been in special training for the past month, is known, to be a speedy pitcher, and McGraw, of the Giants, says there is nobody like him. The captain of the Kappas refused up to a late hour last night to make known his final choice for today's slab artist; but it is rumored that there is a dark horse not mentioned in the line-up. The teams will approach the plate as follows:
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