
Items of Interest to University

Princeton Game Tickets

The H. A. A. will receive no applications for tickets for the Princeton baseball game after tomorrow. The regulations are as follows: There is no limit as to the number of tickets; none will be redeemed after May 21. Checks and money orders should be made payable to the Harvard Athletic Association

Marshals for Memorial Day.

Richardson Morris '14, of Omaha, Neb., and Kenneth White Snyder '14, of Kansas City, Mo., have been appointed marshals for the Memorial Day exercises on Saturday, May 30. As in former years there will be a parade of Harvard veterans, and also undergraduates, to Sanders Theatre where the exercises will begin at noon. The line will form in front of University Hall, and will be escorted by the Charles Beck Post, G. A. R. to Memorial Hall. After the singing of America, Colonel Charles Fessenden Morse '58, of Falmouth, will deliver a short address. Immediately after the exercises there will be a luncheon for the Harvard veterans.

Musical Club Elects


At the election held yesterday by the members of the University Musical Clubs, the following officers were selected to head the new combined organization for next year: president, William John Bingham '16, of Methuen; vice-president, W. Blanchard '16, of Concord: Dr. A. T. Davison, Jr., '06, of the Music Department, will act as Faculty Adviser.
