
Fact and Comment

G. H. Daley on College Baseball.

G. Herbert Daley, of the New York Tribune sums up the college baseball season to date and the good and bad points of the various teams in the following manner:

"The college baseball season is waxing warm, and from now on practically every game will have some sort of bearing on the final standing of the teams. It is rather early to express an opinion as to where the greatest strength lies, but in reply to a number of queries would say that the Harvard nine gives more promise at this time than almost any other of landing at the top. Princeton appears to be good in spots and ordinary in spots; Yale has had its ups and downs, with far more downs than was the case a year ago; Brown seems to lack the polish of the past two or three seasons, while Pennsylvania, Cornell and Columbia are reasonably strong, but have had reverses to spoil their chances for a place at the head of the list. Williams, as usual, has shown well in the few games played, while Dartmouth appears to have a more finished team than most of the others, judging by results to date. This opinion is based largely on impressions, and much can happen in the more important games now at hand to change the whole complexion of the college baseball situation."
