

One Hundred Undergraduates Will Help Welcome Next Year's Freshmen.--St. Paul's Society Joins.

A committee of more than one hundred undergraduates will soon be organized in preparation for a cordial welcome to the Class of 1918. Letters have been sent to headmasters of preparatory schools throughout the country in order to secure the names of men intending to enter the University next fall.

The members of the committee, which will be under the direction of H. A. Larrabee '16, will write to prospective students during the summer and establish at least a preliminary relation between Freshmen and men familiar with the University. They will also participate in the "fall canvass," interesting undergraduates in the work of Phillips Brooks House and the Christian Association.

This year, for the first time, the St. Paul's Society is actively co-operating with the Christian Association in the new-student work, and it is hoped that the objects in view will be accomplished even more thoroughly than last year.
