

Boston Harvard Club Hopes to Send Largest Delegation In History to Chicago Convention.

The eighteenth annual meeting of the associated Harvard Clubs will be held in Chicago on June 5 and 6. The committee in charge of the Boston delegation aims to have the largest representation from Boston that has ever gone to the meeting of the associated clubs. As has been the case in the past, the Boston club party will travel for a least part of the way with the Harvard Club of New York and other clubs along the route. The headquarters are to be at the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago.

The program of the meeting provides for registration and business Friday, June 5, a motor trip through the Chicago parks to the South Shore Country Club, where dinner will be served followed by a vaudeville show by members of the various clubs, moving pictures and music. Saturday there will be an all-day outing at the Chicago Golf Club at Wheaton, with golf, tennis, baseball and other sports. After luncheon the party will return to Chicago for the banquet at the Blackstone, with addresses by President Lowell, and various other Harvard graduates.

The Boston committee suggests two routes for travel to Chicago and is taking a postal canvass to determine which the majority prefers. By one plan the delegation would leave Thursday, June 4 at 12.30 o'clock on the Century Limited and arrive in Chicago Friday forenoon. By the other it would leave Wednesday, June 3, at 2 P. M., on the Wolverine, arriving in Chicago Thursday afternoon. For the return trip the party will leave either at 3 A. M. or at 8.25 A. M. Sunday.
