It would seem from recent events that the Lampoon is in search of new publics to conquer. Not content with having just captured a page in one of the soberest of weekly papers and with occasionally drawing blood from the Crimson, its editors have taken a prominent place in the current number of the Advocate. Mr. Mechem has written a comedy which is good enough to make us forget most of the time the absurdity of the situation. Mr. Moise has called this satire "In Memoriam." The title explains itself as we read how la Comtesse du Porc-Mouton presented one day to M. le President du College des Antiquites etudes Etudes Classiques a memorial library "to be fashioned after the Mausoleum at Helikarnassus or the Taj Mahat at Agra." Mr. Moise graphically explains the history of certain types of architecture.
The body of this number is taken up with a discussion by Mr. Fisher of the implications of summer military camps. He indicates that their supporters are more interested in fostering military sentiment among university men than in training soldiers. The issue between militarists being thus raised, Mr. Fisher shows on which side are sound sense and logic.
If the moral of the sketch "Discretion Is--" were followed, the verse in this number would be dismissed with the observation that verse is, after all, a matter "de gustibus." The criticism that is here made may be taken for what it is worth. The success of the first piece seems to be marred by the clumsy way in which the lines are broken up. The second piece does not escape the conventional either in spirit or form, and the last piece leaves us with no clearer impression than that the author has indulged in sentimental fancies. Judged even by the usual undergraduate standards, the verse appears to be distinctly below the average.
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