At the annual meeting of the Intercollegiate Association Football League held at Columbia University on Saturday, an all-American collegiate team was selected, a new fall schedule arranged, new officers elected, and a change made in the constitution whereby ties will hereafter be played off instead of being decided by goal average. F. H. Storms '14 and V. B. Chittenden '15 represented the University, and the latter was elected secretary and treasurer of the league for 1914-15.
All-Collegiate Team Chosen.
Three places on the all-American team were awarded to Harvard: H. G. Francke '14, right halfback; F. C. Grant '14, left halfback; and W. W. Weld '16, left outside forward. The new schedule, whereby all the championship games will be played in the fall, was arranged as follows:
Oct. 21.--Cornell vs. Princeton, at Ithaca.
Nov. 5.--Princeton vs. Columbia, at Princeton.
Nov. 7.--Pennsylvania vs. Yale, at Philadelphia.
Nov. 9.--Cornell vs. Harvard, at Ithaca.
Nov. 14.--Columbia vs. Cornell, at South Field.
Nov. 14.--Harvard vs. Pennsylvania, at Cambridge.
Nov. 16.--Yale vs. Cornell, at New Haven.
Nov. 19.--Haverford vs. Princeton, at Haverford.
Nov. 21.--Columbia vs. Pennsylvania, at South Field.
Nov. 21.--Yale vs. Harvard, at New Haven.
Nov. 26.--Pennsylvania vs. Cornell, at Philadelphia (A. M.).
Nov. 26.--Haverford vs. Cornell, at Haverford.
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