
On the Schedule of Lectures

Second Address by U. S. Metallurgist

The second of a series of four lectures on "The Use of the Electric Furnace in Metallurgical Work," will be given by D. A. Lyon, A.M., '02, Metallurgist of the United States Bureau of Mines, in the Lecture Room of the Rotch Building this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock.

The two remaining lectures will be given tomorrow and Friday afternoons at the same place and time. This series is open to the public.

Dr. Taylor in Divinity Chapel.

Dr. Henry O. Taylor '78, of New York, will deliver the second of his series of eight lectures on "Spiritual Adjustments," in Divinity Chapel this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. His particular subject will be "India: Yajnavalkya and Gotama (or Brahmanism and the Buddha)."


The third lecture of the series will be given Friday in Divinity Chapel at the same time. His subject will be "The Prophets of Israel." All the lectures are open to the public.
