
Phillips Brooks House Notes

St. Paul's Society Meets Tonight.

The regular weekly meeting of the St. Paul's Society will be held in the Phillips Brooks House tonight at 7 o'clock instead of tomorrow. The Rev. H. E. W. Fosbroke D.D., of the Episcopal Theological Seminary, will speak on "How to Use the New Testament."

Last of Mexico Meetings.

The class on "Mexico" led by Dr. John Howland will have its final meeting this evening at 7 o'clock. The subject for discussion will be "The Protestant Movement."

Clothing Collection in Process.


The spring clothing collection will be taken up by Phillips Brooks House today, tomorrow and Thursday. Every one is asked to co-operate in making the collection a success. All sorts of cast-off clothing can be used. This year for the first time an effort will be made to secure surplus athletic equipment for use in boys' club work, and text books will also be gladly received as additions to the loan library.
