Electric Furnace in Metallurgy.
D. A. Lyon, A.M., '02, Metallurgist of the United States Bureau of Mines, will give the first of a series of four lectures on "The Use of the Electric Furnace in Metallurgical Work," in the Lecture Room of the Rotch Building this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock.
The remaining three lectures will be given at the same place and time tomorrow, Thursday, and Friday afternoons. All lectures will be open to the public.
The Warriors' Life and Art.
Professor Masaharu Anesaki, A.M. Litt D., exchange professor from the Imperial University of Tokyo, who is delivering a series of lectures on "Art and Life in Japan," will give the third address in the Lecture Room of the Fogg Art Museum this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. His subject will be "The Warriors' Life and Art," a lecture to be illustrated with lantern slides. All the lectures in this series are open to the public.
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