The Leiter Cup baseball games scheduled for yesterday were postponed on account of the bad condition of the field. Today the "Hopefuls" will play the "Buzzards" on the second team diamond, and the "Will-o'-the Wisps" will play the "Mud Sox" on the diamond behind the bleachers, at Soldiers Field at 4 o'clock. These games will not be postponed again, but if they cannot be played today, they will be played after the other games in this round. Captains should watch Leavitt & Peirce's for notices, and be sure to report all games by 7 o'clock.
A regular schedule for the first round will be played; postponed games will be played after the completion of the regular schedule, but defaulted games may not be played, and the defaulting team will be eliminated. The schedule is as follows: Tomorrow, Team No. 24 vs. No. 3, and 23 vs. 9; May 4, 5 vs. 4 and 10 vs. 16; May 5, 14 vs. 2 and 17 vs. 21; May 6, 12 vs. 22 and 20 vs. 6; May 7, 1 vs. 15 and 13 vs. 11. Team 25 drew a bye. Ordinarily the game first mentioned will be played on the second team diamond, and the other on the diamond back of the bleachers.
In the following list of teams, several men are entered on more than one team. These men may play on only one team, and unless they signify their choice at the CRIMSON Office before tomorrow at 7 o'clock, they will be considered members of the first team in which their names appear. A box for all Leiter Cup notices and reports of games is at the left of the door inside the CRIMSON Office.
Following is the complete entry list of the twenty-five teams in the Leiter Cup baseball series of 1914:
Team 1, Mighty Mutts--L. C. Henin '15, captain; W. Berman '15, P. Bloomberg 1G., P. P. Cohen '16, H. Epstein '16, H. Finkelstein '15, W. Goettling '16, C. K. Horvitz '15, F. Kavolsky 1L., S. Schwarz '14, A. T. Small '16, B. West '14.
Team 2, Nom de Bums--J. T. French '16, captain; S. Adams '14, S. C. Almy '16, R. Bancroft '17, H. Bothfeld '17, R. Burns '15, E. O. Childs '17, H. R. Clapp '16, H. W. Clarke '16, E. Ellsworth '17, S. L. Kuhn '16, F. E. Large '16, S. B. McKinley '16, D. Moffat '16, R. D. Roquemore '17, W. Sears '16, P. Simonds '16, R. H. Stiles '16, W. Weld '16, S. Wiggin '16.
Team 3, Horeshide Hammerers--J. E. Hoskins, captain; T. C. Bookhout '15, W. M. Briggs 2L., L. G. Burgevin '15, J. D. Crichton '17, R. W. Dixon '15; W. E. Frost '16, C. E. Griffin '16, W. W. Cross '16, E. P. Hayes '15, W. L. Hickey '17, R. W. Nelson '16, J. L. Phelon '16, J. A. Sargent '17, S. Sewall '16, G. F. Stowell '15, W. W. Webster '17, R. J. White '15.
Team 4, Maidstones--R. W. Wood '16, captain; R. F. Babcock '16, D. B. Buffum '14, T. B. Buffum '16, S. A. Hartwell '16, C. A. Herter '15, E. A. Herter '14, C. Judson '14, G. A. McCook '16, R. McIntosh '14, R. H. Stiles '16, R. T. Twitchell '16, H. Wainwright '15.
Team 5, Twirps--D. M. Satz '15, captain; H. Finklestein '15, H. B. Goodfriend 1G., M. G. Hamburg '15, J. Hamburg '14, S. Z. Kaplan 1L., N. Kroll '17, I. Levin 1L., S. H. Lewis '15, A. H. Marshall uC., D. Rubin 2L., L. Shapiro '14, D.M. Watchmaker 2L., J. Watchmaker '16, I. A. Wyner 1L.
Team 6, Merry Maidens--M. Baldridge '16, captain; N. B. Clark '16, M. Guren '17, M. L. Hodgson '16, E. H. Kreimer '16, C. H. Jacobs '16, R. Kuhn '16, H. A. Larrabee '16, R. B. Leonard '16, L. Lavy '17, J. Littlefield '16, W. E. McCurdy '16, F. C. Nelson '16, E. B. Packard '16, C. C. Patterson '16, D. W. Patterson '16, P. F. Reniers '16.
Team 7, Hopefuls--E. C. Mack '15, captain; G. F. Beal '16, C. W. Birch '16, H. W. Birch '14, C. Bullock '14, J. F. Conway '15, G. P. Davis '14, W. H. Gilday '14, W. E. Griffiths '14, F. W. Hunter '14, R. Jackson '15, V. de W. Kline '14, C. H. Marsh 2G., L. W. Weld 2G.
Team 8, Will-o'-the-Wisps--C. E. Mead '15, captain; O. J. Ames '15, R. P. Chase '15, D. F. Fenn '15, G. W. B. Hartwell '17, J. H. Harwood '14, J. T. Lanman '15, R. Mead '15, T. K. Richards '15, H. W. D. Rudd '15, J. C. Talbot '15, N. L. Torrey '15, J. Winlock '15.
Team 9, Neversweats--L. H. Bevier '17, captain; S. Ballard '17, E. Bates '17, F. P. Beal, and., H. Bell '17, R. C. Cabot '17, P. L. Carrett '17, E. C. Davidson '17, H. Harris '17, N. H. Partridge '17, G. P. Slade '17, M. P. Starr '16, W. D. Swan, Jr., '17, A. Treadwell '17, J. Wooldredge '16.
Team 10, Winners--E. R. Schiller '14, captain; S. Adams '14, P. M. Brown '15, M. H. Cochran '15, N. G. Davis 1L., H. E. Fitzgibbons '15, D. Greene '16, W. E. Griffiths '14, S. B. Hyde '14, C. Lawrence 3L., L. H. Niles '14, E. W. Peterson '14, E. E. Reece '14, M. L. Sowers uC., E. S. Sullivan '14.
Team 11, Whangdingers--H. W. Gleason '17, captain; R. Donohue '17, W. V. J. Ford '17, J. G. Green '17, W. L. Hickey '17, J. J. Kelley '17, S. J. A. Kelley '17, H. A. Kent '17, P. M. Murdough '17, W. A. Murray '17, C. H. Nelson '17.
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