In the first game of its intercollegiate series, the University association football team yesterday defeated Cornell on Soldiers Field by the score of 7 to 1. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the play was slow and rather ragged.
For the first quarter of an hour Cornell succeeded in holding Harvard. But after the first goal, shot by Baker, the University began to press the Ithacans, and only occasionally were the latter able to carry the ball into dangerous territory. Almost immediately after Baker's goal, Lynch of Cornell secured his team's only score after a corner kick. Harvard again tallied in this period on Jennings' rush from the centre of the field.
In the second half, the University completely outplayed Cornell, securing five goals, three of them by Baker and one each by Carnochan and Jennings. Baker was clearly the star of the forward line, while Captain Francke proved the main strength of the defense.
The summary: Score--Harvard, 7; Cornell, 1. Goals--Baker 4, Jennings 2, Carnochan, Lynch. Time--Two 45-minute halves.
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