
R. H. K. Reviews Illustrated

In the April issue of the Harvard Illustrated Magazine the table of contents embraces a wide range of subjects written by men who clearly are qualified for their tasks. To some at least it will seem a pity to rob the art department of its blackboard by printing a photograph on the cover, but possibly this was done merely in the nature of an experiment.

But what do we find within? First a very enlightening message from Major General Leonard Wood calling our attention to the Students' Military Instruction Camps which are carried on by the Government during one month of every summer. President Lowell, in an introductory note, recommends the article to "all students who take seriously their own preparation for life or the service they can render to their country." Next we read under "Harvard and Its News" of one of the many systems of which the average undergraduate is all too ignorant. Mr. Farrington states clearly just why the present method was adopted and in what way Harvard should be benefited by it.

Under the "College Comments" which follow are to be found several paragraphs discussing such well-chosen questions as "A Name for the New Lecture Hall" and "Yard Concerts" from a good sane point of view. The new Board is to be congratulated on producing an unusually good number in its first attempt.
