To the Editors of the CRIMSON:
There is an election of Union officers today which should not fail to appeal to all men who realize the importance and possibilities of the Union in the life of the University. If there is any fault in the Union as it is at present it is its failure to attract sufficient interest on the part of the undergraduates in its welfare. This fault is both the cause and the effect of its short- comings. The annual elections have been excellent evidence of this apathy; the vote in past years has usually been small and sometimes undiscriminating. This year, there is an issue. In addition to the candidates named by the retiring Governing Board, six candidates for Governing Board and four for Library Committee have been placed on the ticket by petition. They are recommended by their supporters because they are men who habitually use the Union and are known to be specially familiar with and interested in the problems of its development. The candidates of the Governing Board are men whose ability is judged by their achievements in other activities. As the policy which will make or mar the success of the Union next year will be determined by the men who are elected today, it is important that every member cast his vote and cast it for the men whom he honestly believes are best qualified to suggest and carry out the changes which will make the Union the live Agent which it should be in the life of the University. A. H. ENWHONM '14. C. H. WESTON '14
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