
Recent Gifts to the University

At a late meeting of the Corporation of Harvard College gifts to the University were announced amounting to $87,043.

The largest items were as follows: $50,000 to be added to the Matchett Fund. This fund was created by the will of Sarah A. Matchett, in 1913, with an original gift of $150,000--a special fund to be used for the general purposes of the college. The $50,000 which has now been added brings this fund up to $200,000.

By the will of the late Judge Addison Brown, of New York, Harvard University receives a bequest of $10,000 to be applied as follows: "$7,500 thereof in founding a scholarship bearing the name 'Addison Brown,' the income thereof to be applied toward paying the expenses of some needy meritorious undergraduate student to be designated by the College under prescribed regulations; the remaining $2,500 of said $10,000 legacy in establishing a Prize Fund bearing the name 'Addison Brown' in the Dane Law School, now known as the Harvard Law School, the income thereof to be awarded annually or biennally for the best essay by one of the students in the Law School on some designated subject of Maritime or Private International Law under prescribed regulations."

Another of the larger gifts is one of $10,000 given anonymously to the Collis P. Huntington Memorial Hospital. The other gifts were of smaller amounts for various purposes of the University.

Specimens of Gothic Workmanship.


There has recently been placed on exhibition in the Fogg Art Museum a series of rubbings from English monumental brasses, presented by Mrs. George Fiske in memory of her husband, who was a member of the class of 1872. These make a fine and interesting display of handsome lines in black and white, and show the rare decorative ability of those Gothic workmen.

Several Pictures for Memorial.

Mr. Joseph A. Blake has given to the University an oil portrait of General Joseph Hayes '55, and Rev. Charles A. Humphreys has presented a crayon portrait of Captain Thomas B. Fox, Jr., '60. Both of these pictures will be placed in Memorial Hall.
