Thirty-five men reported to Captain Brickley yesterday afternoon on Soldiers Field for the first day of spring football practice. The work consisted principally of drill in the fundamentals of the game and forward passing. H. R. Snyder '05, the originator of the forward pass at Harvard, who has been coaching the Western Reserve College team of Ohio for the past eight years, coached the backs and ends in this branch of the game, while Head Coach Percy Haughton was further assisted by F. J. Bradlee '15, F. J. O'Brien '14, S. B. Pennock '15, W. H. Trumbull '15, and Coach Donovan. The backs were put through drill in starting from position, and the line-men were coached in charging and breaking through by Pennock and Trumbull. Practice was held on the second team field and was very short owing, in part, to the inclemency of the weather and the small number of men reporting.
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