

Trip to Italy, Switzerland, France, and England for Students.

A trip to Italy, Switzerland, France, and England for students of Art and Architecture, from this University as well as from the Universities of Illinois, Pennsylvania, and others, is being planned by Mr. James H. Forsythe and Mr. F. K. Cowley, instructors in the Department of Architecture of the University of Illinois. Last year Mr. Forsythe was an instructor at Harvard, and conducted a similar trip for several members of the University. He has just been appointed an unofficial member of a committee chosen by the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture to arrange for a regular course of European travel under the auspices of the Association. The committee is composed of Professor H. L. Warren, of the Department of Architecture, chairman; Professor Vaird, of Pennsylvania, and Professor Vaiorence of Technology.

The trip will take about three months, from the middle of June to the middle of September, and will provide a general view of the Art and Architecture of Italy, France, and England. It has been found that a party with similar tastes and interests, such as the one in project, will, under expert leadership, prove much more profitable and enjoyable than one without guidance or definite object, and the results in the past have been uniformly satisfactory. A great saving in expense is also effected by this method, when all the arrangements are made by one management.

Individual trips may be made if desired, and deduction will be made from the expense in accordance with their length. Instruction in the appreciation of Art and Architecture, and lessons in sketching, will be included.

The scheme of charge is purely a co-operative one, but it is confidently expected from the results of past experience, that the expenses will not exceed four hundred dollars, with the exception of extras, such as laundry, purchases of photographs, etc. The sum named includes all transportation and hotel expenses, and the like. Pamphlets may be obtained at the Library of Robinson Hall; communications should be addressed to Mr. J. H. Forsythe, care of the Department of Architecture, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois.
