


Twelve men on the University track team will leave for Philadelphia next Thursday to take part in the 20th annual Pennsylvania Relay Carnival, to be held under the auspices of the University of Pennsylvania at Philadelphia, a week from today. Probably the most interesting entry is that from Oxford University, England.

The Oxford team, which is entered in the four-mile championship race, was down at Soldiers Field yesterday afternoon watching the Interclass Track Meet, and is composed of A. S. N. Jackson, the Olympic 1500 metre champion, N. S. Taber, the Brown Olympic runner and Rhodes Scholar, G. M. Sproule, D. N. Gaussen, and G. N. Robertson.

The interest in the Relays is this year much more general than ever before. Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Dartmouth, Columbia, Chicago, Illinois, and many other big colleges have entered very fast relay teams. The University of Southern California has entered two exceptional runners, Kelly, the Olympic hurdle champion, and Drew, the phenomenal colored sprinter, considered to be the fastest man for 100 yards in America.

A new event has been added to the games in the javelin throw. This is the first time that this event has ever been given in a college meet, the idea being to develop college men in this event for future Olympic contests. Dorizas, Penn's famous strong man, is an expert with the javelin and is practically sure to win this event. In addition to the college championship and special events, there will be a large number of relay races for the colleges and schools, and one mile championships for the high schools and preparatory schools. If weather conditions are favorable, there are sure to be several records broken, for the entries in all events this year are of a very high class.

The following men will represent the University, leaving on Thursday morning at 10 o'clock: one-mile relay team, W. A. Barron, Jr., '14, A. Biddle '16, W. J. Bingham '16, F. W. Capper '15, and J. C. Rock '15 ;high-jump, J. B. Camp '15, A. D. Chandler '14, J. O. Johnstone '16; broad-jump, M. L. Greeley, Jr., '15, J. O. Johnstone '16 ;pole-vault, J. B. Camp '15, M. L. Greeley, Jr., '15, L. G. Richards '16; hammer-throw, H. S. Sturgis '15; shotput, C. E. Brickley '15.


Regular practice for both the University and Freshman track squads will be held during the first three days of next week. On Monday practice will be held in the morning at 10 o'clock; on Tuesday in the afternoon at 3 o'clock; and on Wednesday in the morning at 10 o'clock. Regular attendance at each practice is imperative, for men who go a week without practising will be seriously handicapped
