The forty members of the cast, and managers of "The Legend of Loravia," the Hasty Pudding Club's spring musical comedy, will leave this afternoon and tomorrow for New York, where three performances will be given in the Carnegie Lyceum, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings. There will be a dress rehearsal of the play at 10 o'clock Monday morning. Tuesday evening the Harvard Club of New York will give a dinner for the Pudding men, and the following afternoon at 3 o'clock, a private car will take the club to Philadelphia for a single performance in the Bellevue Stratford. Thursday evening. The special car will leave Philadelphia at 10 o'clock, Friday morning, for Baltimore, where a performance will be given in Albaugh's Lyceum Theatre at 8.15 o'clock. The actors will be the guests of the Baltimore Country Club Friday afternoon, and after the performance will attend a dance at the home of W. C. Colman. On Saturday, April 25, the members of the club will watch the Harvard-Annapolis boat race at Annapolis, leaving the same evening for Cambridge.
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