


Nineteen members of the University baseball squad, together with Coach Sexton and the managers, will leave Harvard square for the South Station this afternoon at 2.25 o'clock for the annual southern trip.

Upon arriving in New York at 8.43 o'clock, the team will go to Hotel Vanderbilt where it will spend the night. Tomorrow, the first of the six games scheduled for the trip will be played with the Cadets at West Point at 3.30 o'clock.

Sunday afternoon the squad will arrive in Washington and will make its head-quarters at the Hotel Bellevue. On the following morning a trip will be made to the White House. Catholic University will be met at the American League grounds in the afternoon.

After a rest Tuesday, a trip will be made to Annapolis where a game will be played Wednesday afternoon. Then follow two games with Georgetown on Thursday and Friday afternoons. On Saturday the trip will end with a contest with Columbia University.

This trip is of prime importance and will be a fairly conclusive test of the strength of the University nine. The records of the teams to be met are sufficient evidence of their ability. Georgetown has defeated Princeton twice this season, while Catholic University has turned the trick once. Columbia has two victories to its credit over Pennsylvania. Annapolis and West Point have played only a few important games so far.


Lacrosse Men Leave at 1.03

The University Lacrosse team will start on its annual Southern trip this noon, leaving Boston on the 1.03 train. The squad will stop at Philadelphia over night, and tomorrow the first game, with Johns Hopkins, will be played. This game promises to be one of the hardest of the trip, for Johns Hopkins has a veteran team this year, and always plays a scientific and hard-fought game.

On Tuesday the contest will be with the Mt. Washington Lacrosse Club, whose team is composed mainly of old Johns Hopkins players. On Thursday the University team will meet the strong aggregation representing the Naval Academy. The University of Pennsylvania will be played Saturday, this being the last game of the trip. The contest will be called early in order to allow the players to witness the Pennsylvania relay games.
