Arrangements have been completed for the Annual Senior Junket to be held in the Baseball Cage on the evening of April 30. The class will assemble in the Yard, form in ranks of 11, and March to Soldiers Field behind "Lefty Louis'" German Band, under the glare of flaming torches. Immediately the brilliant carnival of amusements and music will begin on the first floor of the "Junket Hall." Every opportunity will be provided for getting rid of surplus coins. Prince "Pu-Pu-La," just imported from Africa, world's famous dodger, will perform. There will also be a specially built machine for sledgehammer artists, a game invented for the occasion entitled "tub and the ball," "whoop-la," and many other attractions. The great social event of the year will be the debut of the class mascot and her annual reception.
Prizes for every sort of feat (and hands) will be awarded, and the guests will be served with marshmallows on toast and other dainties, accompanied by music by the band.
When the dodger has been mortally wounded and all prizes have been disposed of, the procession will start for the Yard, and is scheduled to arrive with the band at 1.27 A. M.
Senior Picnic Date.
The date for the Senior Picnic has been set for May 22, when all members are expected to be in the Yard at 7.30 o'clock, dressed and ready to go by a specially chartered yacht to Peddock's Island for the annual outing. For fear that some may be too late for the party, a bugler will be sent to call forth the sleeping inhabitants of the Yard. The management of the enterprise specifically requests that everyone be provided with bathing trunks, tin cups, caps, and tickets which will be on sale immediately after recess. Baseball games, swimming contests and boxing matches will make up part of the day's program.
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