
Men Picked for Southern Trips

Nineteen on Baseball Squad.

The following nineteen members of the University baseball squad will go on the southern trip which begins tomorrow: R. R. Ayres '15, B. C. Cartmell '16, F. P. Coolidge '16, S. P. Clark '14, H. E. Fitzgibbons '15, F. G. Fripp '16, R. B. Frye '15, R. T. Gannett '15, H. R. Hardwick '15, H. R. Hitchcock, Jr., '14, E. W. Mahan '16, J. A. Milholland '14, H. L. Nash '16, R. P. Osborn '14, J. B. Waterman '15, R. R. West '15, W. Whitney '16, D. J. P. Wingate '14, A. Winter '14.

Lacrosse Men Chosen.

The personnel of the lacrosse squad which will take the southern trip this year was decided yesterday. In addition to Managers A. H. Onthank '14 and J. Garland '15, Coach P. Gustafson '12, and Captain P. F. Brundage '14, who is temporarily out of the game with a broken hand, the following fifteen men will make the trip: F. E. Abbe '14, G. F. Beal '16, P. Catton '15, M. H. Cochran '15, P. Eaton '14, W. A. Elliot '14, J. R. Fleming '15, G. P. Harrington '14, F. J. Little '15, W. Lucas '15, S. E. Nash '16, W. E. Nightingale '15, E. E. O'Nelli '16, M. M. Wasamaker '16, R. G. Wilson '14.
