
Interclass Games Tomorrow

All entries for the Interclass Track Meet close this afternoon at 6 o'clock. Already a very large number of men have signed up. Further entries may be made in the blue-books at Leavitt & Peirce's the Rendezvous, or the Locker Building. There will be the usual events, all of which will be run off tomorrow, with the exception of the hammer-throw, which will take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon.

No man will be allowed to compete in the meet who has not taken both an eligibility and a strength test; and both of these must be taken this afternoon, the former at the Hemenway Gymnasium between 2 and 3 o'clock, and the latter at the Locker Building any time before 4 o'clock.

Regular practice will be held for both University and Freshman candidates the first part of next week, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, instead of the latter part as has been the custom in previous years. Regular attendance is imperative.
