

Entries for Leiter Cup Series Will Close Next Saturday.

Teams for the annual Leiter Cup scrub baseball series should be organized at once, as entry books will be placed in Leavitt & Peirce's this morning. A book for individual entries will also be found there. Entries will close at the end of the week and the series will be started as soon as possible after the recess.

Restrictions on eligibility are as follows: no team may have more than three men who have received Freshman numerals, and not more than one man who has received University or second team insignia, or a letter from another college.

As in former years, a preliminary elimination round will be played and a league formed of the qualifying teams. Then these will play a round robin series for the championship. Individual cups will be awarded to the team winning the championship, and a game will probably be played with the University second team. Games will be played every afternoon, weather permitting, on Soldiers Field at 4 o'clock, according to a schedule which will appear later in the CRIMSON.

Teams enrolling in the blue-books should include at least twelve players, one of which should be designated as captain; no one except those whose names have been entered in the blue-books will be allowed to play for their respective teams. Individual players should indicate the positions they desire to fill, and they will then be formed into teams by the managers of the series. Last year twenty-five teams, including about three hundred men, made a record breaking entry list.

The series this year will be in general charge of F. B. Harvey '14, Holworthy 9. He will appoint a committee at a later date.
