
Items of University Interest

1917 Musicians at Harvard Club.

The first concert by the 1917 Musical Clubs will be given at the Harvard Club of Boston this evening at 8.15 o'clock. Eighty-five Freshmen representing the various clubs, will take part, and after the concert they will be the guests of the Harvard Club at an informal banquet. Only members of the Harvard Club and their guests will be admitted.

Socialists Discuss Co-operation.

The Socialist Club will meet in Fairfax '32 this evening at 8 o'clock. James Ford, Assistant Professor of Social Ethics, will speak on Co-operation as a Socialist Method." Professor Ford is an authority on the co-operative movement, especially in New England. All members of the University who are interested are invited to attend.

"Honor System" at Speakers' Club.


The Speakers' Club will hold its regular weekly dinner at the club house, 36 Quincy street, this evening at 6.30 o'clock. Following the dinner, there will be a general discussion of "The Honor System," in which members and their friends are invited to participate. At 6.50 o'clock, there will be an important meeting of the Executive Committee to consider constitutional amendments. All members are expected to be present at the meeting this evening.

"Panama" Poems Due.

All contestants for the Lloyd McKim Garrison prize this year are reminded that all manuscripts must be in tomorrow. The subject this year is a poem on "Panama." These manuscripts should be addressed to the Secretary of the Faculty, University 20.

Difficulties of Trust Regulation.

Professor E. Dana Durand will give a special lecture on "The Possibility of Preventing Combination and Difficulties of Regulation," in Emerson D this morning at 11 o'clock. The talk will be open to all members of the University.

1917 Swimming Numerals

The following Freshmen have been awarded their numerals for swimming: Noel Chadwick, of Boston; Blake Darling, of Brookline; Edwin Hutcheon Gibb, Aiea, Oahu, Hawaii; Karl Frederick Jackson, of Dorchester, Howard Morris Rand, of New York, N. Y.; Sydney James Rogers, of Cambridge; James William Davenport Seymour, of New York, N. Y.; Hunt Wentworth of Chicago, III.
