

Football Supplants Academic Pursuits.--Notes From Other Colleges.

Three new rulings in regard to football games were recently passed at Yale both by the faculty of the Academic School, and the Sheffield Scientific School. The first one states that all college exercises are to be omitted on the day of an out-of-town game, but that triple cuts would be given any absences immediately preceding or following the day of the game. Secondly, on the days of Princeton and Harvard games in New Haven, all classes after 11 o'clock are to be omitted. Lastly, it was strongly recommended that the football team should not leave New Haven until the day before a game.

"C" for Cornell Second Team

The Cornell Athletic Council has voted to give the university "C" to members of the second football teams in the future. This is an innovation in the awarding of insignia to university teams and will tend to make football more successful by offering greater rewards for those who are not at the top.

Alfred Noyes at Princeton

Mr. Alfred Noyes, the English poet, has been appointed to a position on the faculty of Princeton University. His position will be Visiting Professor of Literature, a capacity in which he is to act during one term at least during the college year. Next fall he will give a Senior course in English literature of the 19th century.


Large Scale Operations for Stadium

Actual work on the excavations for the new Princeton Stadium will begin on Monday if the weather is suitable. The Pennsylvania Railroad will run a spur track into the field, where the structure is to be erected, greatly facilitating the work. Mr. J. G. Bent, who was in charge of the construction of the Harvard Stadium, will also superintend the work at Princeton.

Co-operative at Oxford

Co-operative stores managed by undergraduates will be opened at Oxford University at the beginning of next term. In addition to lowering the prices of various articles and distributing profits among the students, it is hoped the inauguration of this plan will check the credit system which tempts undergraduates beyond their means. The stores are modelled on those in the University of Dublin, which have been successful.
