

In April a year ago we heard from the Federation of Territorial Clubs glowing accounts of a pamphlet for prospective Harvard Freshmen, which was to be issued at once and sent broadcast. The pamphlet has been coming out ever since and little or nothing has been heard from the Federation itself. It is perhaps only natural that the Federation of Harvard Territorial Clubs, being made up of representatives of its constituent organizations, should not escape entirely from the somnolence which has been the conspicuous feature of most of the individual Territorial Clubs themselves the past winter.

The signs of a belated spring awakening which seems promised by the meeting of next Monday evening, when the Federation will be guests of the Pennsylvania Club, are therefore welcome. It is to be hoped that some constructive plans to go forward with the work begun a year ago may then be formulated. The approaching spring vacation gives an opportunity to co-ordinate and utilize in this work the energies of men returning to their homes. A semi-annual or quarterly smoker is not without its value to a Territorial Club, but what any organization with such an object thrives on is work. And a big part of its work is to put Harvard in touch with the "New Nationalism" which has made Harvard's scope country-wide. The long-delayed pamphlet was admirably planned to aid in this service, and every week's delay means just so much lost opportunity.
