
Vacation Tours in France

Two tours through France, which have the approval of President Lowell and members of the French department, are being organized by the France-America Committee for the coming summer. The first of these is for students and aims to afford an enjoyable, and at the same time instructive and useful, vacation. Those who are especially interested in Art, History or Language will find Artists, Archeologists or Professors who will be glad to volunteer their services as guides or interlocutors. The Office National des Universities, which is a department of the Ministry of Public Instruction, will introduce the party to the University authorities throughout France. The itinerary will include all the points of interest in France. The party will sail from New York to Havre about June 25; the entire cost of the trip, including passage and fares, hotel accommodations, etc., will be $500.

The tour for teachers of French will divide the time between Caen (University), St. Malo (Summer Course of the University of Rennes) and Tours (Summer Course of the University of Poitiers). In travelling they will visit the different places of interest. The tour will start on or about Friday, June 26, and return about the first of September. The entire cost will be $300.

For further information about either of these tours, apply to the France-America Committee, 2 Rector Street, New York City.
