Trophy for Relay Record Breakers.
A silver trophy has been presented to the 390-yard relay team by the B. A. A., for winning the race at the schoolboy games on Feb. 28 in the world-record time of 3 minutes, 3 seconds. It will be placed in the Trophy Room. The members of the winning team were R. Tower '15, F. W. Capper '15, W. J. Bingham '16, and Capt. W. A. Barron, Jr., '14.
Application for Rooms.
Applications for rooms in University dormitories for the year 1914-15 are due at the Bursar's Office before tomorrow at 1 o'clock. There are still seven rooms in South Matthews which have not been taken, and members of 1915 will be given preference in the allotment of them. A list of all rooms available and application blanks may be obtained at the Bursar's Office.
Tennis on April 6, D. V. and W. P.
Work has been started on the Jarvis Field tennis courts and, weather permitting, they will be open for play on Monday, April 6. Owing to the poor drainage, the courts on Soldiers Field probably will not be ready for some time.
Musical Clubs Manager Competition.
The competition for assistant manager of the University Musical Clubs, open only to Sophomores, will start next Monday, when candidates will report at Dana 34 at 7 o'clock. The competition will continue at least until June, and probably for several weeks after the opening of College in September. No previous experience is necessary.
1917 Banjo Club Elections.
The Freshman Banjo Club has elected the following officers: president, Joseph Manley Mellen, of Garden City, L. I., N. Y.; leader, Leslie Allen Morgan, of Potwin, Kan.; secretary, Francis Abbott Ingalls, of Tuxedo Park, N. Y.
Plans are now being made to open the series of public concerts the first week in May.
Fifth Hyde Lecture.
Mr. John R. Mott, General Secretary of the World's Christian Student Association, will deliver the fifth of the series of Hyde Lectures on Foreign Missions in Sanders Theatre this afternoon at 4.30 o'clock. His subject will be "Where Place the Chief Emphasis in the Missionary Enterprise." These lectures are all open to the public.
1917 Pole-Vaulters Needed.
More Freshman pole-vaulters are needed as only a few candidates have reported for practice in this event. The small number of candidates this year makes it possible for more individual coaching and Freshmen who have had only slight experience should take the opportunity. Practice will be held this afternoon at 3 o'clock and all candidates should report to Coach Powers in the Locker Building at that time.
Freshman "Lives" Due.
All Freshmen are reminded that their registration cards for the Red Book should be sent to the committee at once. More than 600 cards were sent out four weeks ago and yet only 400 of these have been returned. The delay is seriously handicapping the copy department.
Tennis Managership Competition.
Candidates from the Sophomore class for the position of second assistant manager of the University tennis team will report in the H. A. A. Office, Friday afternoon at 5.30 o'clock. No previous experience is necessary. The work will last until the final examination period, and is the last athletic managership competition for which Sophomores will be eligible.
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Hold Trials for Glee Club