Applications for space in the Yard to be used for Class Day Spreads, whether for clubs or for individuals, must be made in writing to W. P. Willetts '14, Holworthy 16, before April 15. Applicants should state where they wish to have their spreads. In so far as possible clubs will be allotted the same spaces as last year.
Chairman's Office Hours.
The chairman of the Class Day Committee will hold office hours in Holworthy 16 daily except Saturdays and Sundays from 2.40 to 3.15 o'clock.
Words for Baccalaureate Hymn.
Seniors are requested to submit words for a hymn to be sung at the Baccalaureate Services. The Senior whose hymn is accepted will be given free Class Day tickets. Such hymns should be sent to W. P. Willetts '14, Holworthy 16, before April 15.
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Hold Trials for Glee Club