Discuss Sincerity and Loyalty.
A meeting of the Phillips Brooks House Organization of Freshmen will be held in the Parlor of Phillips Brooks House tonight at 7 o'clock. Douglas Campbell '17 will lead the meeting and the subject discussed will be "Sincerity and Loyalty."
The Organization of Freshmen has instituted a unique plan this year. In past years Dr. Fitch has given talks to the Freshmen every Monday night till Christmas and the class has then disbanded. But this year so much enthusiasm was shown that the class has continued to meet under the auspices of a Freshman committee. A member of the class is chosen to lead each meeting. He outlines the scope of some topic of general interest in a brief speech, and the meeting is then thrown open to the rest of the class. Anyone interested may express his views on the subject in a few words. The meetings come every Monday and last from 7 to 7.30 o'clock.
Class on Missions and Education.
Dr. Raymond Calkins '90 will address the class on Mission Schools and Education in the Randall Room of Phillips Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock.
Evening Prayers During Lent.
The St. Paul's Society will hold evening prayers in the Phillips Brooks House this evening at 7 o'clock. These evening prayer meetings will continue throughout Lent.
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Semi-Finals of Championship Tennis