

First Class Smoker Since Organization Will be Held Monday.

The first meeting of the Freshman class since their organization will be held in the Union next Monday evening at 7.30 o'clock. Several of the recently elected class officers will give short talks on the plans and prospects for class activities during the remainder of the year. W. J. Bingham '16, president of last year's Freshman class, C. F. Farrington '16, president of the Sophomore class, and Q. Reynolds '14, captain of the University crew, will also speak.

As this will be the first chance the Freshmen have had to get together since their formal organization, it is hoped to make the meeting a large and informal gathering, so that all may become acquainted with the new officers.

At this time plans will be outlined in regard to the Red Book, the Freshman Dinner, and the class entertainments. The meeting is, therefore, very important and every Freshman should be present.

Menu Design Competition.

At a recent meeting of the 1017 Dinner Committee it was decided to hold a competition for the cover design of the Freshman banquet menu. All Freshmen with drawing ability are asked to send designs to 25 Russell Hall before March 14 at 6 o'clock. The size of the drawing must not exceed 5 1-2 by 7 inches.


Invitation cards for the Freshman Banquet will be sent out sometime next week.
