


In this address on Students' Military Camps last evening, Maj.-Gen. Leonard Wood M. D. '83, showed that although our army has never been tested by a big war, yet the great bulk of the people, in ignorance of our military affairs, have a serene confidence in the army that would be fatal in a time of emergency. The United States does not wish a large standing army; the policy being to maintain a highly efficient corps of regulars, backed by a good militia and a large force of volunteer reserves, and it is for the commanding and training of these reserves that the government is seeking men in the universities. The need has been further accentuated in the late years of territorial extension, for such acquisitions as the Panama Canal, the Philippines, and the Hawaiian Islands mean a drain on the military forces which needs substantial re-enforcement. It has been to supply this backing, therefore, that the students' military camps have been established.

Location of Camps.

There will be five camps this summer: at Monterey, Cal., at Spokane, Wash., at Asheville, N. C., on the shores of Lake Michigan, and at Burlington, Vt. The locations have been selected very carefully by army officers, with possibilities of recreation in mind. Men will be trained in the use of arms, in close and field manoeuvres, and in matters of camp sanitation; and in addition, the theoretical work necessary to the officer.

Little Expense Involved.

All equipment but the uniform will be furnished by the government, and a man's total expense for the five weeks' outing will be his uniform and board, both of which total about $30, and in addition, his transportation. The Burlington ton camp will be held from July 6 to August 7, inclusive.


General Wood in closing declared that the burden of war always lies with the young men, and that it is their responsibility to aid the government in bringing the United States Army to its highest possible point of efficiency.
