
Items of Interest to the University

Professor W. R. Spalding will deliver the sixth of his lectures on "The Evolution of the Art of Music" at the Lowell Institute this evening at 8 o'clock. The special subject will be "The Romantic Composers," and the lecture will be illustrated by Mr. H. Gebhard, at the piano, and by Miss Alice Cole with vocal solos.

Divinity School Preaching Service.

Mr. A. W. Nagler will conduct the preaching service of the Harvard Divinity School and Andover Theological Seminary in Divinity Chapel this evening at 7.30 o'clock.

Social Politics Lecture.

Mr. S. K. Ratcliffe of the London Sociological Review and of the staff of the London Daily News, will speak before the Social Politics Club in Stoughton 4 this evening at 8 o'clock, on "English National Insurance." The meeting will be open to all members of the University.
