The Cambridge Board of Aldermen granted permission to the University on Tuesday afternoon, to build a tunnel under the city streets for the purpose of supplying the Widener Library. Sever Hall, and other buildings in the Yard with steam heat generated at the Boston Elevated Power House. The tunnel will run from the Power House between Smith and Gore Halls to Mill street, and thence up Holyoke street to Holyoke place. From Holyoke place it will cross Mt. Auburn street and continue up Linden street till it enters the Yard at the southwest corner of the Library.
Certain amendments added at the last moment make the permit less desirable than was expected. They provide that all the digging shall be done by the Cambridge Street Department, that all work connected with sewage shall be done by the Sewer Department, and that all water pipe work shall be done by the Water Department. All expenses including that for work done by the City Department are to be borne by the University.
The Widener Library and Freshman Dormitories demand so large an amount of steam that it cannot be supplied by existing boiler plants of the University, nor by additions to them, and the College, therefore, arranged to purchase the surplus steam from the Boston Elevated Railway. If this excess can be utilized through the new tunnel by the University, it would reduce the smoke nuisance from the power station, and would eliminate much of the smoke, and teaming of ashes and coal in the Yard.
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