

Friday Was Set for Payment of Pledges of Three Upper Classes. -- Seniors Are Most Remiss.

At the beginning of the present campaign for the gymnasium fund, tomorrow was fixed by the committee as the day on which all pledges of the three upper classes should be paid. Owing to good organization and diligent work, the committees are able to submit a good report today, but the amount set as a goal has not been reached by any means. The Senior class has failed utterly to respond to the urgent requests of the committees, the amount collected from them being only $13. Besides $240 in new pledges from the Freshmen, $1180.75 has been collected as follows: 1914,  $13.00 1915,  $105.00 1916,  $362.75 1917,  $700.00

Another appeal is made by the chairmen to the three upper classes to pay as many of the pledges as possible today and tomorrow.
