All men wishing to compete for parts in the spring production of the Dramatic Club must sign up for trials in Dunster 24 this afternoon between 4 and 6 o'clock. Preliminary trials will be held in the Trophy Room of the Union on Monday evening, March 8, from 7 to 9 o'clock and appointments for these trials will be made this afternoon at the time of signing up:
As in the autumn production the trial consists of a brief reading, preferably from a dramatic work, that shall give the judges an idea of a man's voice, bearing and general stage presence. Parts in the play are open to all undergraduates and it is urged that members of the Freshman and Sophomore classes enter the competition:
There will be a special meeting for business and stage manager candidates at Westmorly 27 this evening at 7 o'clock. Competitions for both these departments will start as soon as rehearsals for the spring production have begun. The stage end offers a good opportunity to men interested in mechanical or electrical devices, as new effects are continually being worked out. The business department affords valuable training to men interested in the financial management of dramatic enterprises.
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Wade and Boylston Prizes Draw 32