


"The Legend of Loravia" was presented before a large audience of undergraduates by the Hasty Pudding Club in the theatre on Holyoke street last evening. The comedy has ben reviewed by F. Schenck '09 as follows:

"With the possible exception of Benchley, J. R. O. Perkins is the best comic actor Harvard has had for years. He alone would make a show worth seeing. In "The Legend of Loravia," however, he is by no means alone. Hodges does a remarkable piece of acting in two contrasting roles; so completely does he differentiate the twins that one almost expects him to walk up to himself at the end and stand beside himself for the final chorus. Freedley makes a fascinat- ing and talented heroine, and wears his clothes and manages his hands with unusual ease and naturalness. Most of the minor parts are admirably played, and the dancing is of professional quality.

Some Castles in Cambridge.

"In fact one rarely sees a professional show where there is so much good dancing. Everyone dances, and dances well and does it not as a drill but because they all enjoy it. If De Ford needs the money he should get an introduction to Miss Joan Sawyer; it is rumored that she is looking for a dancing partner. But it seems invidious to pick out individuals when the general level is so high. One performance should convince anybody that in this tango era of ours not all the Castles are in Spain.

"The singing, on the other hand, is not quite up to that of some former years; there are no really excellent voices. This is to be regretted as the music is exceptional. It is admirably orchestrated, and so well fitted to the book that the songs actually further the plot instead of interrupting it. There is a distinctly traceable plot, and the dialogue is not only witty but all means something, and there are one or two real dramatic moments. This show is much less like the Follies and much more like a Fall or a Lenar production than anything the Pudding has attempted in a good many years.


"Of course there are interpolations, but they are so few that they do not slow up the movement, and they are well worth doing. Perkins' accounts of baseball from the British and Italian points of view is almost Caseyan, and the society comedy skit and the movies act are both entertaining.

Even Colored Wigs!

As the mention of tango and movies would indicate the production is thoroughly up to date--green wigs and all. It is a well-planned, well-trained, well-staged, well-acted show, and should more than justify the extension of the trip to Philadelphia and Baltimore. Tower ought to go on South with that army--Torreon would be his in an hour.

"As several graduates remarked, the Saturday performance, usually a crude and halting affair, went off like a last night in Boston--which bodes well for the future. Freedley, Hodges, Streeter, the cast, and Mr. Sanger all deserve the heartiest congratulations."

The only public performance of "The Legend of Loravia" in Cambridge will be given in the club theatre on Holyoke street this evening at 8.15 o'clock. Tickets at $2.50 each may be secured at the Co-operative Branch, Herrick's Leavitt & Peirce's, or from T. K. Richards '15, Hampden 28. Three other public performances will be given in Jordan Hall, Boston, on April, 4, 6, and 7
