

Marshal and Secretary Will be Chosen Tomorrow Between 11 and 3.

The election of Class Marshal and secretary for the third year class of the Harvard Law School will be held in Austin Hall tomorrow between 11 and 3 o'clock. A system of preferential voting will be employed. The following persons are qualified to vote:

(1) All men who are now registered in the Law School as members of the third year class.

(2) All unclassified students who entered the Law School with the class which is now the third year class.

The list of nominees is as follows: for marshal, V. O. Appel, H. H. Bundy, J. J. Daniels, C. P. Franchot, R. F. Hooper, A. P. Mills, B. C. Wright; for secretary, O. M. Chadwick, P. Patterson, J. J. Porter, L. Powers, C. B. Rugg, R. H. Smith. The following committee was appointed to have charge of the election and watch at the polls: L. Brewer, C. E. Dunbar, Jr., H. W. Reynolds, 11 to 12 o'clock; L. Brewer, H. M. Goodrich, P. W. Cookingham, 12 to 1 o'clock; H. M. Goodrich, C. E. Dunbar, 1 to 2 o'clock; and H. W. Reynolds and P. W. Cookingham, 2 to 3 o'clock.
